Lenten Happenings


Journey With Us...

   Little Black Books   - These books can be found outside of the sacristy.  They offer a daily six minute meditation on

   the Passion Gospels according to John. 


   Little Purple Books - also found outside of the sacristy, these books offer a Lenten resource for children.

   Ash Wednesday - Mass with the distribution of ashes will be celebrated at 5:30 pm in Vietnamese and at 7:00 pm in English.

   Lenten Series - Unlocking the Mystery of the Bible.  Join us in Rm. 102 on Tuesday evenings, March 11, 18, 25 and April 1, 8,

   at 7:00pm.  Parishioner Rich Lichty will lead us through Jeff Cavins’ videos as he unlocks the mystery of the Bible. 

   Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament  - Takes place in the church every Friday immediately following the 9:00am Mass until           1:00pm

   Stations of the Cross - Fridays at 5:30 and 6:30 - This traditional Lenten devotion is held in the church at 5:30 pm in English         and 6:30 pm in Vietnamese on Friday evenings. Books to guide you through the responses for each station are available in the       back of church. 


   Friday Lenten Meals - Meatless Soups and Eggrolls -  beginning March 7th and running through April 11th. Meatless soups          are $10 per quart and egg rolls $12 per dozen/$6 per half dozen. Order forms will be available each week in the bulletin, and in       the parish office. You can place your order by filling in the form, enclosing your payment and placing it in the collection basket

   or bringing it to the parish office by Tuesday each week. Or, you can order for all your meals at one time. Payment is required         with your order. Orders can be picked up on Fridays between 4:00-6:00PM. in room 101, or after the weekend Masses in the             Cafe.  Click here for the menu and order forms

   Penance Service - Sunday, March 30th, at 3:00pm  - A bilingual service will be held for English and Vietnamese speaking                persons.  A number of priests will be available to hear confessions in both languages. Parking is available in the parish lot                  which can be accessed from N. Duke St.  Please use the ramp entrance from the parking lot.  For a listing of other parishes                penance services, click here

   Palm Sunday Egg Hunt - Palm Sunday, April 13th, at 11:00am -  all children of the parish are invited to share in the fun of            hunting Easter Eggs.  Sister Thuy will hide eggs in the parish gardens.  Children are asked to meet in room 104 before the hunt.

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